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Solárna časť 3 – Obchodovala som vo svojej odrode Rover za Nissan Leaf

, takže minulý mesiac som obchodoval vo svojej Variety Rover za Nissan Leaf. Skutočne nie.

Po mojich prvých 1 000 míľach tu sú niektoré húževnaté myšlienky, skoré pozorovania a názory na bývanie s EV…

Jesenný list

Jazdujem SUV už viac ako 7 rokov, v roku 2013 som však mal svoju prvú skúšobnú jazdu v elektrickom vozidle a od tej doby to bolo na mysli. Toto nie je niečo, čo som sa rozhodol urobiť na rozmaru.

Aby sa naša domácnosť mohla pokúsiť žiť s EV jedným z našich vozidiel. S trochou benzínového salónu a 3 zaťaženia 4,4 l nafty V8 v garáži, jednou metódou nebolo ťažké urobiť rozhodnutie.

V ďalšej metóde programu to bolo. Poskytnutie pohodlia, vybavenia a vysokej jazdy v konkrétnom prostredí bude ťažké, keď sa vrátim k sedeniu v dolnom, menšom aute.

Dosť škaredý

Neexistuje žiadna pekná metóda, ako to povedať, list má dohodu iba s mamou, ktorú by mohla milovať. Tvar týchto predných svetlometov je funkčný a riadi prúdenie vzduchu okolo karosérie. Avšak Tesla dokáže vyrobiť aero efektívne auto, ktoré je tiež nádherné.

Súvisiace: Je Tesla Design 3 bodom zvratu pre EV

Zdá sa, že je dobre rozvinutý (v Sunderlande), rovnako ako má osobnosť. Je väčší, ako vyzerá, môže trvať 5 dospelých a má tiež topánku slušnej veľkosti.

Moja oveľa lepšia polovica mala iba jedno ustanovenie o novom aute, musela mať vyhrievané sedadlá. To znamenalo ísť pre dizajn Tekna, ktorý obsahuje niektoré ďalšie vylepšenia, ako je systém Bose Noise, 360 -stupňová konfigurácia vonkajšej kamery, ako aj kožený interiér, požiadavka vegánov sa neuplatňuje.


Získanie vozidla zaregistrovaného na ironicky pomenovanom systéme „Nissan Connect“ bolo bolestivé. Trvalo niekoľko dní, kým sa aplikácia spárovala s našim listom a pod kapotou bola dokonca exkurzia pre sériové číslo vyryté na motore na žiadosť podporného personálu. Bolo to sklamaním po vynikajúcich skúsenostiach, ktoré sme mali s predajcom v obchodnom zastúpení Belfast.

Keď sme nakoniec dostali prepojené vozidlo, dostali sme e -mailové potvrdenie, ktoré obsahovalo nepresnú adresu URL, ktorá vedie k ešte väčšiemu poškriabaniu hlavy a tiež strateným časom.

Snažil som sa ťažko dostať niekoho v Nissane, aby mi umožnil zdieľať svoje skúsenosti a odporúčania, ako aj zachrániť ostatných pred tým, ako chodia s rovnakou bolesťou (niektorí dokonca zabezpečili). Avšak napriek e -mailom s tweetmi, ako aj na internetových rozhovoroch, som nikam nedostal.

Webové rozhranie k vozidlu je pomalé a zle navrhnuté. Aplikácia nie je o nič lepšia, aj keď existuje viac súčasných rozhraní z aplikácií tretích strán, ako je Eva pre iOS, ako aj Leaf Manager pre Android.

Môžete skontrolovať špecifikáciu poplatkov, ako aj začať s aplikáciami na diaľku riadiť podnebie. Užitejšie palubný časovač môže naplánovať vozidlo, aby vám každé ráno predhrieva kabínu, zatiaľ čo je stále spojený so sieťou.


Kabína je pekným miestom, kde je to, že je to neuveriteľne divné, ako aj strašidelné ticho, keď sa každé ráno vraciate z garáže, nikdy nestarne.

Tento zvuk alebo jeho nedostatok je niečo, čo sa často prehliada s EV, avšak robí z neho taký príjemný zážitok, ktorý skutočne oceníte, keď sa vrátite k rutinnému autu. Nedostatok vibrácií, priamo od štartéra motora, skutočne robí zmenu. Moja oveľa lepšia polovica vezme list pri akejkoľvek náhode nad benzínovým autom. Rovnako ako to nie je len preto, že ju nemusí poháňať, naozaj uprednostňuje aj svoju tichú a hladkú jazdu.

Akonáhle ste za volantom, využitie ekologického režimu znižuje zrýchlenie pre nákladovo najefektívnejšiu jazdu. Stlačením Flat škrtiacej klapky nájdete na podlahe tlačidlo, ktoré vám umožní rýchlo ho prejsť a v prípade potreby dočasne získať prístup k plnému napájaniu. Cíti sa príjemne, rovnako ako je slušne rýchly 0-30, ako môžete rýchlo vyvolať trakciu spravovať na vlhkej ceste.
Z programu to nie je druh vozidla na hooning okolo. Existujú rôzne funkcie, ktoré vám pomôžu premietnuť štýl jazdy, skórovať svoju metódu a celú skúsenosť.

Pomlčka je mätúca, preplnená a nekonzistentná štýl od inštitúcie viac je viac. Na hornom displeji pestujete bitky, tým ekonomickejšie jazdíte, tým viac stromov rastie.

Preklíčením páky prevodovky dole do pohonu po druhýkrát prepne vozidlo do brzdového režimu. To zvyšuje brzdenie regen a rekupetuje viac energie, čo vám umožní jedno-pedálne pohon, ktorý sa musí dotknúť brzdového pedálu, keď sa dostanete na úplnú zastávku.

Webové rozhranie poskytuje (pomaly) získava prístup ku všetkým týmto údajom a tiež hodnotí vašu jazdu. Tu je zhrnutie z webového rozhrania po približne 10 dňoch riadenia listu.

Verím, že keby každý mal EV na týždeň, poskytlo by im fantastický pohľad na to, ako presne jazdiť ekonomicky. Späť v The petrol vehicle I discovered myself frowning at all that energy I was throwing away on motorways off ramps as well as down hills.

Range & Public Charging

Even though its genuine world variety is only around 85 miles, we can reach quite much any type of part of northern Ireland in the 24kWh Leaf, even without a full battery (check out the variety map below with the vehicle at around 65% charge). Both my spouse as well as I averaged around 20 miles each day last year so 85 is more than enough for 99% of our journeys. as well as unlike a petrol or diesel vehicle you leave the home every morning with a full ‘tank’.

We have several Rapid chargers around us that can bring the EV to 80% in just 30 minutes. type 2 chargers are much slower however so far we’ve not needed them.

We did try the one in the picture below out of curiosity during a recent weekend away to the coast. Our destination was around 80 miles from house as well as although we might just about have made it we took a 20min fast fee on the motorway services. inspect out plugshare.com for a look at the chargers offered in your area.

As an absolute last resort there’s a 3 year healing service with the vehicle that will put you on a flat bed as well as take you to your nearest charger should you get into trouble.

We’ve met the nicest people at public chargers, an fascinating lot that are friendly as well as helpful. So far we’ve not been ICE’d as well as all chargers we visited bar-one have been in working order.

There does seem to be a serious problem with some public chargers being out of order for long periods though. likewise some are in vehicle parks that are locked at night which seems truly stupid, particularly as many were installed with the assist of public money. They should all be accessible 24/7.

For the 1% of trips that are further afield we have the petrol vehicle to autumn back on. In addition Nissan will lend you a fossil powered car for as much as 2 weeks a year at no fee (you’ll requirement to switch your own insurance coverage onto the vehicle for the duration).

Home Charger

The electric vehicle Homecharge plan / OLEV provided us a £500 government grant and our PCP offer with Nissan qualified us for the rest of the money (£390) to in shape a free 16amp Pod point charger in our garage.

More accurately these are special power outlets as the charger is really in the car.

Even though our leaf doesn’t have the quicker 6.6kW charger on board, we wished to future proof the grant-aided house installation as much as possible so we paid £95 to upgrade to the 32amp / 7kW version.

A grand (on paper at least) for this charger seems method over priced. A quick look on eBay shows 16amp chargers offered for under £200 as well as the simple set up took less than 2 hours. Is somebody making a killing from this gov scheme?

Sun Powered Car?

We’re looking forward to charging the leaf from our solar array. While a 4kW system in northern Europe is unlikely to ever provide sufficient surplus power for even the lowest mileage users, it should be able to contribute something over the brighter months of the year.

That will rely on us charging relatively slowly though so as not to be pulling in power from the grid. We will have to utilize the 13amp 3-pin ‘granny’ charger  to limit the rate.

Coal Powered Car?

So where does the electricity for your fancy electric vehicle truly come from then? It’s a fair question.

This table from our latest electricity expense shows the source of our electrons (using 2014 data). It may be a surprise to see that the largest contributor is Renewable (wind) energy at 36%. For EVs to make the most sense though we requirement to push that much higher – filthy coal is still third at 25%. however with the present trend, the EV you buy today will get cleaner over time.

Electric Efficiency

Even if the BEV was powered totally by electricity produced from fossil fuels, it would still be a big enhancement over an ICE vehicle though. The interior combustion engine is around 20% effective compared to more than 80% for an electric motor.

1 litre of petrol or diesel contains approximately 10 kWh’s of energy (petrol 9.7 kWh/l, diesel 10.7 kWh/l ). Preto…

1 litre of diesel takes you about 6 miles in the variety Rover

The equivalent 10.7 kWh takes you about 43 miles in the Leaf

But lets take a more similar smaller ICE car that can typical state 40mpg. The leaf will still go 4 to 5 times further with the exact same amount of energy, whilst moving all those toxic fumes out of our towns as well as cities.

Even though there’s currently lots of spare generation capability on the national grid at night, if all of us altered to EV’s tomorrow it would be in huge trouble. last week Elon Musk stated that globally we need 3 times the present level of generation to move to an all electric economy.

The finest vehicle is…..a Bike

We’re in a period of shift as well as we requirement to ramp up sustainable energy as well as transportation technologies. Sure there are environmental costs in building all these new things, however unless we’re all going to be huddled in caves using animal fur once again we requirement to discover a method to balance our contemporary method of life whilst reducing our consumption. At the exact same time this blog brings you shiny new products weekly to covet as well as that irony is not lost on me.

Electric vehicle movie critics frequently site higher preliminary producing emissions for these vehicles, however we’re barely in the second generation of the modern EV compared to a century of advancement of the ICE as well as it’s producing processes. Oh, as well as keep in mind about the on-going energy demands to refine the fuels to keep our ICE’s running…

Self Driving / level 5 Autonomy

The environmental benefits of EVs include the prospective for fewer vehicles on the roads in the future too. Rather than your second largest purchase sitting idle for 90% of its life, it might be working for you. additionally you may just end up with a membership for a vehicle in the future (CaaS – vehicle as a Service?), summoning an autonomous vehicle from an app when you requirement it.

Check out the video below in this weeks homework section on the science behind the autonomous self-driving vehicles that are only perhaps a year away (the tech will be right here by then, if not the legislation).


A side-effect of our EV experiment is the reduced costs of our household transport. This 24kWh leaf is basically a run out model, because of be discontinued in favour of the existing as well as larger 30kW design extremely soon. Additionally, the statement of the totally new generation leaf is due any type of day now to replace the present ageing style thats been around since 2010.

All that means there are some fantastic offers around. The £4,500 Plug-In vehicle grant from the government assists the lease business so our 3 year x 8,000 mile PCP payments don’t even come close to paying just the depreciation on the car.

All in all a really inexpensive method of dipping our toe in the EV world as well as if we can get by with a very first gen, restricted variety vehicle such as this then anything in the future will be easy. right here are a few of the annual savings…

£500 saved on road tax – £0 road tax for leaf versus £500 for the variety Rover.

£1,300 on fuel – We’re averaging an suggested 4.0 miles per kWh so far, that works out at a bit over £0.03 per mile vs around £0.19 per mile for the SUV. Those cost savings are calculated on electricity vs diesel over 8,000 miles annually as well as ignores the prospective for house Solar charging as well as (still free, however not for long) public chargers in northern Ireland.

£350 saved on insurance coverage – Unsurprisingly the leaf is much cheaper to insure than the RR.

BIK – If you’re lucky sufficient to get a business vehicle (I’m not) then an EV will provide the lowest benefit in kind rate. I talked to a buddy the other day who told me he’d effectively provided himself a £2K pay increase by moving to an EV.

Fabulous or Folly

We’re only 3 years away from the decade of modification over to the EV according to Bloomberg. the time when an electric vehicle will be the exact same cost as an ICE powered one, variety will be high sufficient to no longer matter and running costs will still be extremely advantageous. the time when buying the ICE vehicle over the EV will be the strange decision, not the other method around.

As electric vehicles begin to ended up being the norm, the design option will boost from the fairly little offering available today. who knows, I might be sitting high up once again however in an EV, or perhaps I’ll stick with being better to the ground.

So there it is, it’s early days in our EV experiment, however so far so good.

What do you call the opposite of a mid-life crisis? A mid-life cognisance? Možno. I’m all in.


Renogy 100 Watt Solar Panel 12 Volt High-Efficiency Monocrystalline Module PV charger for RV…

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